Strategy advisory for data-intensive companies in Europe.

Franz was born when strategy consultants, data-scientists and lobbyists met to reshape data-intensive industries in Europe.

Current trends are more than ever challenging the established order. The new paradigm is paradox, inspiring companies to be ever more creative and bold in their strategic choices. A new era is opening, it is digital and it requires new environmental, economic and social answers.

We believe in a future that will transform the usual players, business models and value chains. We believe that this future will be people driven.

We designed Franz to be an alternative consultancy  for companies aiming at sustainable strategies on data-intensive industries in Europe.

A dual value proposition to match client needs for action, insights and new directions.

Franz is designed to combine market-wide intelligence and expertise with case manager and data-science skills creating offerings driven by long-term vision and short-term imperatives for sustainable business impact.

We work with large-caps headquartered in Europe. We  serve a wide range of industries from financial service to space or tourism.

Our primary focus is on banking and insurance with offerings for headquarters and corporate functions, retail banking, consumer finance, leasing and factoring, insurance and financial markets.

Core service offerings






Strategy is a dialogue.

We understand strategy as the artefact of a structured, policy driven and data-enlightened dialog between stakeholders. We dedicate time to get a sound understanding of our client’s issues and context, trough open-minded and extensive dialog. 

Each assignment is analysed from different perspectives and with a creative mindset in order to consider every possible direction before trying to address it. 
This allows our clients to get a first understanding of Franz perception and to adjust the assignment plan to the best fitting way and capability.

A few examples of our missions:


Secure Debt-Recovery activity in Europe for Retail segment to reduces losses risk during Covid-19 period


Benchmark data quality processes for Life & Health activities to improve the overall financial performance

Digital Services

Activate ExCo around a shared sales plan during confinement period on the French Digital market

Data spaces

Design of a new digital venture (structure, business model, funding) for industry players.


Use case detailed title and many written lines

The objective was to Secure Debt-Recovery activity in Europe for Retail segment to reduce losses risk during Covid-19 period

Franz as a leverage on the EU Data Strategy.

We bridge the gap between traditional industries and issues and new opportunities around data space and decentralization.

We support some of the first major business initiatives around Digital Market Act or DeFi in various industries (Space, Tourism, Finance…). We are strategic partners of Associations and Think-tanks that lead the DMA debate. We work daily with an international association bringing private and public players to shift to a fair data economy in the context of GDPR and European Data Strategy package and the French Think-tank for digital sovereignty that federates several top French leaders advocating for enlightened, European and humanist internet.

We rally the best and brightest DMA experts and advocates in EU. We embody some veterans of data-sharing and consent management  who contributed to the new EU regulation writing.

One team with consulting and data-science skills.

Consulting combines structured approach and people management with experience and creativity. Our consultants focus on exploration, scoping, analysis and design at Corporate level with data-collection and roll-out support at entity level on European scale. They leverage on 40 professionals from a sister company and an extended network of experts.

Data-scientists deliver integrated value proposition to match client needs for data-enlightened answers in the new normal. These services are delivered by the RED Team standalone for specific and recurrent tasks (web-scraping, database analysis, model design, machine learning, tactical tool design and cloud-delivery) or in combination with our consulting offer. They leverage on a European data-lab with 16 data-scientists.

Meet the Leadership Team
"True, I am young, but for souls nobly born valor doesn't await the passing of years."   P. Corneille


Do you want to be part of our  journey?